Core Success | Hire Leezá Steindorf For Professional Inspirational Keynote Speeches


Organizational, Personal, And Educational Transformation Talks 

Are you a leader looking for an inspirational and motivational keynote speaker? Do you want to hire a keynote speaker whose talks deliver actionable content that positively shifts the culture of your organization? Consider hiring Core Success’Leezà Carlone SteindorfCore Success is a Portland-based business that helps people achieve their goals regardless of circumstances. Through services such as keynote speakingLeezá is able to do just that. 

Inspire Your Organization With Motivational Speaking 

There are many motivational speakers who succeed in engaging with an audience emotionally. What Leezá offers as a motivational keynote speaker is more than that. Rather than simply aiming to raise an audience’s emotional response, as some speakers do, Leezá ensures that her audience walks away with the practicals tools and plans necessary to initiate lasting, positive organizational transformation. 

Leezá aims to make her audience both inspired and informed during her motivational keynote speeches. Her experience as a keynote speaker has led her to lead talks on subjects such as connecting through communication, dissolving conflict, solving relationship snafus, and more. When you hire Leezá to speak at your organization you will see that your organization is inspired. With the transformational tools and crystal clear roadmap provided by Leezá’s keynote speeches, your organization will be ready to actively work towards improvement. See your organization become a positive climate and implement lasting transformation after inspiring keynote speeches by Leezá. 

Give Your Organization The Right Tools For Improvement With Inspirational Keynote Speaking 

Core Success’s Leezà Carlone Steindorf is an executive coach and motivational keynote speaker, she has an extensive background in world-class multinational corporations, trade-unions, nonprofits, and educational institutions in over 35+ cultures. With her experience, she can help leaders make consistent forward movement, especially during the most extreme of circumstances. Contact Core Success today to learn how you can benefit from Leezá’s guidance.